
Use the button in the menu to add Citations to the text.

Depending on your chosen citation style, references may be formatted as in-text citations or as footnotes (Chicago/Turabian).

To add citations, start by adding references to your essay through the Reference Manager, which can be accessed via the button in the menu.

If your essay doesn't contain any references, the first time you use the button, a pop-up will prompt you to add references to your library.

After adding references to the Reference Manager, click the button and select the source you want to cite.

Depending on the citation style, you may be prompted to provide additional details, such as page numbers.

If you don't include a page number, a warning may appear. To resolve this, tap on the citation to add a page number or disable the warning using the slider.

You can also hide the author of the citation by tapping on it and enabling the Hide Author slider.

When citing a quote or block quote, you will always be required to provide the page number or location in the source where the information was found.

If you mention the author's name in your essay and then add a citation, the author's name will automatically be hidden in the citation, as it is no longer needed.

If you modify the reference information (in the Reference Manager) associated with a citation, the citation will automatically update to reflect these changes.

Use the button in the menu to add Citations to the text.

Depending on your chosen citation style, references may be formatted as in-text citations or as footnotes (Chicago/Turabian).

To add citations, start by adding references to your essay through the Reference Manager, which can be accessed via the button in the menu.

If your essay doesn't contain any references, the first time you use the button, a pop-up will prompt you to add references to your library.

After adding references to the Reference Manager, click the button and select the source you want to cite.

Depending on the citation style, you may be prompted to provide additional details, such as page numbers.

If you don't include a page number, a warning may appear. To resolve this, click on the citation to add a page number or disable the warning using the slider.

You can also hide the author of the citation by clicking on it and enabling the Hide Author slider.

When citing a quote or block quote, you will always be required to provide the page number or location in the source where the information was found.

If you mention the author's name in your essay and then add a citation, the author's name will automatically be hidden in the citation, as it is no longer needed.

If you modify the reference information (in the Reference Manager) associated with a citation, the citation will automatically update to reflect these changes.

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